Friday, July 6, 2018

Summer Series: Back to School...Again Part 4

Today’s blog is a continuation of our summer series about going back to school. We have been asking some of our students who took time off before coming back to school a variety of questions about how they decided to come back and what it has been like. This week we’re asking one of the most important questions:
Would you do it again?

If I could do it all over again the only thing I would change would be that I would have started the process of going back sooner! – Sarah Brunker

100% - I have no regrets about any of the decisions I made that led me here. I really enjoy all that we are learning and cannot wait to envelop myself in it as a career. But, it required a lot of sacrifices and leaving a life that I felt I was finally settling into. While it was certainly a scary leap to make, I’m glad I did. --Caitlin Russell

Without a doubt.  I miss my old position, but I am certain this is the right choice for me.  I’m glad I took the time to try on a few hats before I settled on this path.  It has not only given me confidence in my pursuit of a Masters in Genetic Counseling, but it has also brought a unique perspectives to my studies. -- Kelsey Bohnert

Yes! I love being in the classroom again and working in a collaborative learning environment. Although leaving a steady job (and income) is terrifying, I wouldn’t change a thing. I’m proud of myself for taking such a huge step and investing in myself and future! – Alyssa Azevedo

110% yes, I wouldn’t do it any other way! I think my coming back to school has helped me have perspective I otherwise wouldn’t have, and I hope it has been a useful perspective for my classmates. I’ve really enjoyed going back to school, and I’m even more excited to be starting in a field that I know I’ll love to work in. I know that this is a sacrifice in many ways, but one that I know I will always be happy I made. When one considers that if you work a normal 40-hour week you probably spend more awake time at your job than you will with your family, it should probably be something that you feel good about. – Natasha Robin Berman


Yes, I certainly would. I have been pressed, and sometimes super stressed, but I feel so confident entering the clinic now. This program is tough; some weeks, it can feel like a marathon. But when you finally look up, seeing how much you have learned and grown gives a sense of confidence like nothing else I have accomplished. – Charlotte Skinner

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