Friday, November 22, 2019

2019 NSGC Conference

The class of 2020 recently attended their first NSGC annual conference in Salt Lake City. This week, some of our second years reflect on their experiences at the conference.

"NSGC can definitely be a whirlwind for first time attendees. There are so many sessions to check out and opportunities to network that you can walk away feeling like you have done a lot and yet not enough. For me, the most exciting part was getting to interact with genetic counselors working in less common specialties and who have interests in a concentrated area. A particular highlight was meeting with other genetic counselors involved in public health and hearing their insights. It was also a wonderful time to bond with classmates. I definitely look forward to attending the conference in the future." 

Exploring the salt lake
 "I had never attended a conference before, so NSGC was a little overwhelming. I was struck by how friendly everyone was; I added tags to my badge that stated I was a student and a first-time attendee, and a few other attendees welcomed me as a newcomer. Networking is always intimidating for me, but with such a friendly group it was much less intimidating. Some highlights for me were meeting up with genetic counselors I had worked with before grad school, attending the public health SIG (special interest group) meeting, and meeting alums at the Pitt reunion. It was also my first trip to Salt Lake City, which was a beautiful location."

"It was great to get to go to talks about aspects of genetic counseling that I’m particularly interested in and meet people with shared interests. There were people from all stages of their careers at the conference, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to hear from everyone - from people with decades of experience to people just starting out. I particularly enjoyed meeting students from other programs and hearing about their experiences in grad school. I also knew that there was going to be a lot going on at the conference and that it could be overwhelming, and made sure to make some time for exploring Salt Lake City with some of my classmates to unwind after the conference."

Classmates at the Pitt reunion
"Attending NSGC was great! I had the opportunity to reconnect with old coworkers, learn about new and innovative research, and of course, explore Salt Lake City.  There was such a variety of talks that sometimes it was hard to decide what to attend!  I particularly enjoyed hearing from the patient speakers about their experiences with genetic counseling.  Additionally, it was  inspiring to be surrounded by such intelligent, warm, and pioneering genetic counselors in the field.  I look forward to the next one."

"I’m glad that my whole class had the opportunity to attend NSGC this year.  It was a particularly celebratory year as NSGC celebrated its 40th year as a professional organization. I learned a lot about the strides we have made as a profession, and what is to come for our ever-growing work force.  There were many sessions that interested me, and the days were very long, but I’m glad I decided to pack in as many things as possible!  I also enjoyed debriefing about the sessions with my classmates, networking with Pitt alum, and collaborating with my classmates to prepare for interviews.  I’m excited to return next year!"

The class of 2020 with our program directors

-The Class of 2020

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