The class of 2016 shares
some helpful hints for the incoming class as they begin the Program:
"Get to know your classmates and greater graduate student community by attending one of the awesome Welcome events hosted at the start of first semester." -Amy D.
“My advice would be, don’t wait until the last minute to study, especially for the most complex classes. Keeping up with the material will really pay off in the long run. Approach studying as ‘what do I need to know to be a good genetic counselor?’ rather than ‘what do I need to know to pass the test?’”
“Use your classmates and instructors as the valuable
resources that they are; everyone has unique views and embracing that can only
improve your experience.”
“It can be really easy to become
overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of you. Don’t lose sight of your
personal motivations for becoming a genetic counselor, those reasons can really
help you to refocus if you start to worry about getting it all done. Also, keep
tabs on your print allowance; you will use more than paper than you ever
imagined.” –Nikki
“Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but rather embrace them as learning experiences. You won’t be experts when you first start, but you will get there.” –Kristin
“You may have heard this before, but it’s true and it’s a big one: self-care is essential! Grad school is challenging and stressful, so find quick activities that will help you de-stress. Whether it’s hanging out with your classmates (or favorite second years!), going for a hike or run, watching a silly you-tube video, skyping a friend from home, popping bubble wrap, or taking a power nap. Find something that really works for you, and don’t feel guilty taking some time for yourself! You’ll be able to get so much more done if you’re relaxed.” -Becca
"Always keep an open mind. There are so many fields within genetic counseling and it’s easy to come into the program with a bias toward a certain specialty. You won’t know what you truly love until you’ve seen and experienced everything first hand. Unique experiences in your classes and rotations can impact your career path in ways you’ve never imagined.”-Kerrianne
"Keep a separate notebook or computer file of all
the genetic syndromes you learn in classes, it'll really help you out in the
second year as well as when you start studying for boards." -Laura
-Our second years, the class of 2015! |
“Being in this
program fosters a sense of comradery among your classmates and alumni. Take
advantage of alumni as resources and keep your eyes on the end result: the
rewarding work of being a genetic counselor!” –Amy B.
“Take advantage of all the free or reduced price perks
that come with a Pitt ID. Walk over to the Carnegie Art and Natural History
museums during a long break between classes or over to the Phipps Conservatory
in Schenley park. Both are close to campus and free to students. Head downtown
on the weekend to see a play or listen to the symphony for only $15. Whatever
you chose, take some time to enjoy the city.” -Bess
"Two years goes by really quickly, relish in the
little things, shenanigans with classmates, and the beautiful fact that you are
entering into an amazing profession, passion, and community." -Kelly